© 2022 Stacey Lane
Can’t Count on Dracula
Synopsis Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Invisible Man meet at a twenty- four- hour pancake house to figure out why no one—including their cheerful waitress—seems to be scared of monsters anymore. The Sand Witch, the bumbling terror of the beach, wishes to join the ranks of these legends of horror. As the Sand Witch shows off her not-so- menacing moves on the seashore, she is pranked by a child. The child turns out to be a victim of the Sand Witch’s sandcastle smashing shenanigans. With the tables turned, the Sand Witch is surprised to learn that scaring someone is not all fun and games. It can cause sadness. A late invitee to the monster meeting arrives. He is a doctor who strongly believes that there is good in everyone. He encourages the feuding witch and child to put aside their differences. As they reluctantly consider his proposition, the sensitive scientist, by the name of Dr. Jekyll, turns into Mr. Hyde. The two ban together to stop this force of beastly fury.
Production History Dayton Metro Library Workshop Dayton, Ohio Dandelion Theatre The Make Ready Chicago, IL Prairie Players Civic Theatre 1st Look Play Festival Galesburg, IL The Annoyance Tuesdays at 9 Chicago, IL Playground Theater First Mondays Chicago, IL iO Theater Cold Reads, Hot Scripts Chicago, IL
Joshua Fardon, Becca Tham, and Raymond Jacquet in a workshop of Can’t Count on Dracula at the Playground Theatre in Chicago, Illinois. Directed by Kate Nawrocki. Assistant directed by Mary Ruppert.
Character Descriptions Dracula a vampire of pure evil with a charming persona Frankenstein an inarticulate well-meaning child trapped in the body of a hideous monster Peggy Jane an aging waitress full of Southern hospitality Invisible Man a transparent maniac with a quest for terror Sand Witch a rookie witch who longs to be scary and taken seriously Larry an unassuming diner customer with a terrible secret when the moon is full Wolf Man a wicked werewolf who has it out for Dracula Creature half-amphibian, half-human, all good Samaritan Dr. Jekyll a mild-mannered scientist who craves to bring out the good in people Morgan a troubled little kid who plans to become an inventor Mr. Hyde a forceful foul fiend bent on utter destruction
Running Time: 45 minutes Set: pancake house next to the seashore (interior/exterior unit) Cast: 9 M, 2 F or 3 M, 1 F with double casting
To preview Can’t Count on Dracula or obtain production rights, please contact Stacey@StaceyLaneInk.com. To purchase a copy of That Thing that You Never See Coming, a monologue adapted from Can’t Count on Dracula in Meriwether’s Audition Monologues for Young Men: Selections from Contemporary Works go to Pioneer or Amazon.